I’m a Virtual Business Manager & Assistant.

Hi, I’m Carolina, and I help entrepreneurs and CEO’s manage their tasks so they can focus on business growth without feeling overwhelmed.

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My Focus

My Focus

Calendar and Scheduling

Organize your life. Client management, bookings, and other administrative tasks.

Social Media Management

Engage with followers. Content repurposing, DMs, and post management — IG, TikTok, Snap, FB, LinkedIn, etc.

Email and File Management

Organize distractions. Organization, filtering, MailChimp Newsletters, Aweber, ConvertKit, and Constant Contact.

Proposals and Presentations

Land more clients. Presentation preparations, document formatting, and online research.
All Services
Project Coordination
Calendar Management
Content Organization
Social Media Management
Competitive Analysis
Inbox Management
Travel Booking
Workflow Set Up
+ More

My Values

For Small and Growing Businesses

I’m All In
I care about you and lean into your business. I provide first-rate customer service and become an extension of you. I genuinely want to see you succeed and help you grow your business.
I’m committed to honesty, confidentiality, and over-communication to arrive at and maintain a sense of shared understanding as we work together. My goal is to maintain and improve the reputation you’ve built.

nice to meet you

Hi, nice to meet you!

I'm here to help you with whatever you may need in order to free up your time and energy to focus on what's most important to you. I understand the demands of running a business and value the importance of efficient time management. That's why I strive to build trust between us, so you can be confident in my reliability and commitment to your success. I am a driven individual with a growth mindset and a dedication to transparent communication. I excel in ambiguous situations and have a track record of proactively identifying and redefining processes and systems to improve and scale businesses. With my skills in driving impact in fast-paced environments and my attention to detail, I am well-equipped to assist you in reaching your goals. I look forward to working with you.

Feeling drained from disorganization? Let's get you back on track and organized this week.

I offer one-off, weekly, and monthly packages.

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